7 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

7 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

The world of cybersecurity continues to evolve. The pandemic created many changes due to workers using their own devices from home to log into corporate systems. This created a new range of vulnerabilities. We know that cybersecurity will continue to evolve even more into 2022. Let's explore some of the trends that can be expected to evolve and become increasingly important in the coming year.

1. Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT continues to grow at a rate never-before-experienced. With advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, new devices continue to become an increasingly important part of the corporate environment. As some organizations adopt 5G bandwidth, opportunities for devices to become victims of attack also continue to increase. Each device represents a separate security risk that affects the entire network.

2. Increasing Importance of Chief Information Security Officer

Changes in the corporate importance of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) role within the organization are causing an evolution in corporate structures. Keeping the organization safe means staying on top of current threats in an environment where new ones continually present themselves. Cybersecurity must be agile enough to respond to these changes, which means working closely with top management. The CISO must be elevated from a department to a position where they work closely with senior management.

3. Impact of 5G

The adoption of 5G networks is an enabler that changes the way ecosystems, applications, and devices interact with each other and across the network. The increased use of mobile devices will have the biggest impact on the need for improved data security protocols. The more devices that are connected to a network, the more vulnerabilities continue to exist. This will require an approach that extends beyond security measures for individual devices.

4. Rise in Ransomware

Unfortunately, as new developments in cybersecurity continue to develop, so do advances in the development of ransomware. The concept of ransomware gangs and ransomware-as-a-service is now a part of the new cybersecurity landscape for 2022. Hackers continue to develop new advanced techniques for distributed denial-of-service attacks and ransomware. This means that cybersecurity measures and protocols regarding personal device safety must become more robust to protect expanding networks.

5. Securing Third-Party Vendors

The great resignation has led to many organizations now finding a need to outsource many of the activities they used to do in-house. This means that there is an increasing concern over third-party vendor security. Third-party vendors might not have the resources or technology of larger organizations. When this software must communicate with the organization, it opens the door for risk exposure that could compromise the network. In 2022, the organization must not only be concerned about its own network, but it must also be concerned about contractors.

6. Concerns Over Privacy

Privacy concerns are a growing issue of concern that has received considerable attention in the last few years. Now, it is not just enough to provide a privacy policy, but companies need real-time management information. They need up-to-date data on what is being processed, stored, and access concerns. This will mean the adoption of proactive data governance using AI and automated systems to keep data private.

7. Need for Cyber Insurance

Until it happens to them, many companies do not realize the costs involved in the case of a security breach. First, there is lost time due to the system being down during the attack and the time afterward. Next, there is the cost of securing credit monitoring for the victims affected. Notifying those whose information has been compromised is another added expense. If someone has suffered a loss, the company might be responsible for remedying the situation. This can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for larger data breach incidents. Cyber insurance can be expected to become a necessity over the upcoming year.

Keeping your system safe is one of the most important tasks for a prosperous new year. Contact Perspective Omni Media for your cybersecurity needs in 2022.